Yoga Dictionary: Your Guide to Key Terms

Stepping into the world of yoga can feel like learning a new language, because most yoga terminology is in fact from the ancient language of Sanskrit. From asana to vinyasa, yoga vocabulary can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. This yoga dictionary is your guide to understanding the key terms you'll encounter in class, on your mat, and in your yoga journey. No more feeling lost in translation – let's demystify the dialect!


  • Asana

    A physical yoga posture. Think downward-facing dog, warrior pose, or tree pose. It's the foundation of the physical practice.

  • Ahimsa

    Non-violence. One of the Yamas (ethical restraints) of yoga, it extends to thoughts, words, and actions towards oneself and others.

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana

    Downward-facing dog. A common resting and transitional pose.


  • Bandha

    Energetic locks or engagements in the body. They help to stabilise postures and direct energy flow. Common bandhas include Mula Bandha (root lock) and Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock).

  • Bhakti Yoga 

    The yoga of devotion. Focuses on cultivating love and surrender through chanting, prayer, and worship.

  • Bikram Yoga

    A style of hot yoga consisting of a specific sequence of 26 postures performed in a heated room.


  • Chakra

    Energy centres in the subtle body. There are seven main chakras, each associated with specific qualities and emotions.

  • Chitta Vritti Nirodha

    The stilling of the fluctuations of the mind. A key concept in yoga philosophy.


  • Drishti

    A focal point for the eyes during a pose. Helps with balance and concentration.

  • Dhyana 

    Meditation. A state of deep focus and contemplation.


  • Hatha Yoga

    A general term for physical yoga practices. Often emphasises postures and breathwork.


  • Iyengar Yoga 

    A style of yoga that emphasises precise alignment and the use of props.


  • Japa

    The repetition of a mantra.


  • Karma Yoga 

    The yoga of selfless action. Performing actions without attachment to the results.

  • Kriya

    A cleansing technique used in yoga.


  • Mantra

    A sacred sound or word repeated during meditation.

  • Mudra

    A hand gesture used to seal energy and enhance the effects of a pose or meditation.


  • Nadi

    Energy channels in the subtle body.

  • Namaste 

    A common greeting in yoga, meaning "the light in me bows to the light in you."

  • Niyama 

    Ethical observances or principles in yoga philosophy.


  • Prana

    Life force energy.

  • Pranayama 

    Breathing practices. Essential for regulating prana.


  • Raja Yoga 

    The royal path of yoga. Focuses on meditation and self-realisation.


  • Savasana

    Corpse pose. A relaxation pose at the end of a yoga practice.

  • Sanskrit

    An ancient language of India and the classical yoga texts.

  • Surya Namaskar

    Sun salutations. A sequence of poses performed to warm up the body.


  • Tantra

    A philosophical system that emphasises the interconnectedness of all things.

  • Tapas

    Discipline, heat, or austerity. One of the Niyamas (ethical observances) of yoga. A necessary component of the yogic path.


  • Ujjayi Breath

    A breathing technique that creates a slight constriction in the throat, often described as the sound of the ocean.


  • Vinyasa

    Meaning ‘to place in a special way’. Vinyasa yoga incorporates a flowing sequence of poses synchronised with the breath. 


  • Yama

    Ethical restraints or principles in yoga philosophy.

  • Yoga Nidra 

    A guided meditation practice that leads to deep relaxation.

This yoga dictionary is a starting point. As you continue your practice, you'll learn even more terms and deepen your understanding of the rich language of Sanskrit. Don't be afraid to ask your teacher for clarification if you're unsure about anything. Embrace the journey of learning, and enjoy the transformative power of yoga!